Marcie Guesthouse i Port-au-Prince

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Clercine 12, Prolongé #44, Port-au-Prince 6110, Haiti
Kontakter telefon: +33 6 12 50 43 63
Latitude: 18.5685479, Longitude: -72.2756272
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Kommentar 5

  • Josh T

    Josh T


    Ghetto part of town but nice

  • Hakeem WankingZoe

    Hakeem WankingZoe


    Oh my!!!!





  • Christopher Morgan

    Christopher Morgan


    I stayed for 4 nights, and the majority of the time I spent at the hotel. My accommodation needs changed somewhat upon arrival, and the staff dealt effectively with my requests. I have never enjoyed a brief stay more. The staff always responded to my needs and helped me. Makende, Jerry, and Estellen were fantastic hosts. The food was amazing. I ate breakfast and dinner at the hotel each day. The staff made these meals from fresh ingredients, and I would return for the simple pleasure of dining here. A/C is available on full power. On generator power, fans are provided. The presence or absence of power is outside the hotel's control. With notice, a member of the staff will warm water to make showers more comfortable. The water pressure in the bathroom I used was excellent. There is a nice rooftop terrace with music and bar some evenings, and upon my request. Communication is most effective in Creole or French, though I managed to have an incredible time here with little knowledge of either. The employees I encountered here (named above) are simply great people. I would return any day. In fact, I hope to return in the not-too-distant future. I simply loved this place.

  • Nornia Nornia

    Nornia Nornia


    Comfortable and clean.

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