Hotel Luxe Confort i Pòtoprens

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ht6110 Port-au-Prince HT, Pòtoprens 6110, Haiti
Kontakter telefon: +509 37 55 1452
Latitude: 18.594395, Longitude: -72.3074326
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Kommentar 4

  • kk Gm

    kk Gm


    I WOULD NEVER GO THERE AGAIN!! Me and my Fiance went there a month ago and the service was very bad.. First the front desk couldn't fine my reservation i had to call Orbitz because they told me that i would have to leave if i couldn't find it.I think they were upset that a paid online and didn't have cash to give them. It took them 3day to clean are room and what made me upset it that on their website it say free breakfast in the comfort of your room but it was about 10am and we was wondering where was a breakfast. My Fiance went down to talk to them and they told him that its $5 each for room service for breakfast just crazy and they never fix are A/C problems are room was hot we had to beg for a fan. I hope luxe comfort do better next for the next guest

  • Stanley Princivil

    Stanley Princivil


  • Carpus Patrocina

    Carpus Patrocina


    Mi experiencia en este hotel fue horrible, nada de lo que se dice positivo es verdad con excepción de la ubicación y su fachada. Cero servicio de habitación, personal ineficiente salvo dos chicos y una chica. Todos los demás inexpertos y desmotivado con sus tareas. Sirven la comida fría, para que el agua caliente salga en el baño hay que abrir las pilas y duchas media hora antes, el voltaje con problemas todos los días y por consiguiente los aires acondicionados split no funciona bien, empleados que no respetan a las clientes vacilandolas y metiéndose con ellas. En fin un desastre. Ni se les ocurra ir ahy. Saludos.

  • raynaud alexandre

    raynaud alexandre


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