Allamanda Hotel i Port-au-Prince

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30 Corner Rue Metellus and Ogé Petion-Ville, Port-au-Prince 6166, Haiti
Kontakter telefon: +509 34 35 5603
Latitude: 18.5104546, Longitude: -72.2833441
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Kommentar 5

  • Bertin Meance

    Bertin Meance


    My favourite place to stay when I am on busi ess trip in Port au Prince

  • Maeva The Artist Renaud

    Maeva The Artist Renaud


    As soon as I walked into this place my entire body felt at ease. It enticed all of my senses. It felt like I walked into the world of serenity. The staff are friendly and attentive. The rooms are huge and comfortable. The hotel’s restaurant is a delight to my appetite. I also really enjoyed getting to know the owners. They put a lot of passion into their work. I would definitely come back and stay longer . It’s also very centrally located to stores, restaurants, and church. Salsa nights on Saturdays was a great experience too!

  • Jeanlouis Gerald

    Jeanlouis Gerald


    The hotel is so clean and the staff make me feel very welcome and goes beyond duties to ensure that my stay was comfortable.There activities on site such as jazz and salsa night. The owner Viviane gave us a 5* service and make me feel right at home. We were definitely be back soon.

  • katia joseph

    katia joseph


    I had a great time at Allamanda Hotel, the place is awesome . I like the entertainment they have every night for the guests. the room is very spacious, the staff are really nice make you feel welcome, food is delicious. I will definitely go back there again on next vacation to Haiti.

  • Emmy Blacka

    Emmy Blacka


    During my first (and only... so far) trip to Haiti, I had the wonderful experience of staying at Allamanda Hotel. The staff was incredibly nice and willing to help/please, along with a fantastic dining experience for both breakfast and dinner. After a long 8 days of various activities in different parts of the country, it was so nice to relax and enjoy our time here. Thanks for a great time!!

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