Triomphe i Port-au-Prince

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Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Kontakter telefon: +509
Latitude: 18.5431214, Longitude: -72.3343015
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Kommentar 5

  • Michel Ladouceur

    Michel Ladouceur


    Not fully operational

  • Reginald Charles

    Reginald Charles


    A very nice place, easy to access it

  • Sony Louis Junior Michel

    Sony Louis Junior Michel


    Triomphe is a nice place to visit for the movie's ...

  • Ernst Junior Chrisphonte

    Ernst Junior Chrisphonte


    Teather, not really in use now.

  • Anne Fuller

    Anne Fuller


    The theatre had a gala reopening in 2015 after an extensive post-earthqake reconstruction. But it doesn't seem to be functioning currently. Many were horrified that the main theater in the building is named after a high-level associate of dictator Francois Papa Doc Duvalier. General Gracia Jacques was responsible for the murders of many innocents. Who made this decision, who gave the money? It's not clear. If they remove the name, perhaps the jinx will come off the Triomphe.

Nærmeste Biograf:

El Dorado Ciné

44 Rue Cadet Jeremie, Port-au-Prince
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