Port-au-Prince International Airport i Port-au-Prince

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Boulevard Toussaint Louverture, Port-au-Prince, HT Haiti
Kontakter telefon: +509 48 65 6436
Hjemmeside: pap.aan-haiti.com
Latitude: 18.5756545, Longitude: -72.2948934
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Kommentar 5

  • Ivson Souza

    Ivson Souza


    The most accurate concept of hell is arriving in this airport when it does not have electricity. People screaming and pushing each other, airport employees throwing luggages on the floor, queues are not respected not even on the immigration, as hot as hell, people trying to grab your stuff to ask for money, customs employees inventing problems, probably to "sell" a solution. If there's electricity, the arrival is much better. When it comes to departures, the infrastructure is quite horrible if you're flying with Delta. There are no chairs, if you bought water after the airport x-ray they will make you throw it away after the second screening, just to be left standing in an unbearable heat waiting to board on a flight that almost every time is delayed at least 30 minutes. JetBlue's departure is slightly better. It's equally hot but at least you can sit down. American Airlines' boarding is the best one, there are lots of chairs and there's a place where you can eat and drink.

  • Judie Pokakaa

    Judie Pokakaa


    Lots of checks! I went through 4 checks to leave the airport. It was clean. Not totally organized. I was not sure where to go or what to do.

  • Andre Bakker

    Andre Bakker


    Gets very busy. Terminal is rather small considering the amount of people passing through. Leave extra time for this.

  • Shavon Renous

    Shavon Renous


    If you can, avoid this airport. The airport employees are extremely rude and disrespectful. Long delays at 2nd security checkpoint (yes, there are 2 security checkpoints here!) because airlines refuse to get automatic checkpoint machines.......Haitian TSA taking out your belongings from your carry-on to review each item. Extremely ridiculous.

  • Rose Of Sharon

    Rose Of Sharon


    Ok, landed there and was surprisingly very nice. Immigration process was very fast, lines were moving pretty fast . It was very clean, air conditioning was on. I had to use the bathroom, it was very clean and the attendant in there was super courteous , she watched my bag, she was proud of keeping the bathroom clean and stacked with the necessary products, and with a big smile on her face, she welcomed me to Haiti. There were security people all over the place , there were multiple people outside ready to help either, with getting you a taxi or using their cell phones to call your ride, or direct you to where to get phone service. My experience was quite pleasant, no complaints whatsoever.

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