La Maison Hotel i Pòtoprens

Åben kort
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27, Boulvard Toussaint Louverture route de lareoport, Pòtoprens, HT Haiti
Kontakter telefon: +1 305-517-5503
Latitude: 18.5758224, Longitude: -72.2852731
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Kommentar 5

  • Black Etiene

    Black Etiene


    Foods not the same. Open the chicken wings b4 eating it. All the meat taste the same, seem like it’s cooked from the same oil. Not good. Here was so much better.

  • Frederic Gouin

    Frederic Gouin


    Went there for just a drink. The waiter was so slow and unresponsive. What can go wrong when you just want a shot of vodka? Everything!!!

  • Anderson Luxama

    Anderson Luxama


    It's a good restaurant, where you can invite a friend to talk without difficulty

  • Jemps Desrosiers

    Jemps Desrosiers


    Staff is very nice and helpful. But I will suggest you to take a room in their suites it's better and more comfortable.

  • Tano Gentile

    Tano Gentile


    Beautiful restaurant and hotel very close to the airport. The food was great with lots of options for picking eaters (hamburgers, etc). The fish dip appetizer was beyond words and the goat creole was great! The service was pretty slow though.

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