Haitian National Pantheon Museum i Port-au-Prince

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Avenue de la République, Port-au-Prince, HT Haití
Kontakter telefon: +509 34 17 4435
Latitude: 18.5428439, Longitude: -72.3369595
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Kommentar 5

  • Eric Padron

    Eric Padron


    Solid museum with beautiful grounds. It doesn't take long to walk through the exhibits. Such a rich history for such a short period of time. It costs about 50 cents USD to get in. There are guides standing by once you get in. Totally worth the trip.

  • Ashmath Ali

    Ashmath Ali


    The most underrated and overlooked Museum in the world. A must visit and learn not just for Haitians but anyone interested in world history. It’s a treasure and wealth of information. Really enjoyed the free guide who explained everything in English. Photos prohibited inside.

  • Reginald Blaise

    Reginald Blaise


    Le musée est en lui-même très beau. Un lieu magique exceptionnel le restaurant du musée est magnifique, abordable, et une cuisine très bonne... Seul hic : le personnel tant à l'accueil qu'aux boutiques devraient suivre un stage de sourire et de politesse.

  • Ronald McGrath

    Ronald McGrath


    This museum has some astonishing artifacts (the anchor from the Santa Maria!) and with a well spoken and friendly tour guide, I highly recommend this museum. The building is nice and cool too, so if you're looking for a spot to cool down and still enjoy Haiti this is the place to go :)

  • Camila Goiriena

    Camila Goiriena


    Un lugar hermoso para aprender sobre la historia haitiana, muy recomendable!

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