Palm Inn Hotel i Port-au-Prince

Åben kort
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Delmas 31, HT6120, Port-au-Prince, HT Haiti
Kontakter telefon: +509 29 17 0000
Latitude: 18.567875, Longitude: -72.2985107
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Kommentar 5




    Third stay at Palm Inn Hotel... Palm Inn Hotel is full of great surprises... The people working there makes the place, the exception and the best of all hotels in the Haiti... I strongly encourage all coming to Haiti to make Palm Inn Hotel your home... You'll be glad you did...

  • Enese Sainxame

    Enese Sainxame


    Frenchment moi je te la bas su moi novembre pour 2semaine ce te Magic Jaime bien ce te super genial a palm inn la chanmbre le petit dejenner IL ya ríen dit juste un petit point IL ya la televisión qui change a chaque Fois et la wi-fi aussi IL ya pas la sale SPORT si non le reste ce te nikel je pensé que je veu retourne au mois Mai pour Mon anniversaire a bientôt le personnel Merci

  • Réelle Virtuelle

    Réelle Virtuelle


    C'était très bien La nourriture Les chambres tout était au top

  • Trevor Arnold

    Trevor Arnold


    Staff was super hospitable. Room were clean, food was quite good. The only negative I can mention is that the hot water was not at all hot. Not even warm. Other than that, it's a great choice that's right near the airport.

  • Andie Arnold

    Andie Arnold


    Everything we were looking for- clean, quiet, and very close to the airport (10 minutes during peak traffic). Also, the bed was comfortable, and the restaurant food good and fairly priced. All around a good, safe and relaxing place to stay!

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