Pacot Breeze Hotel i Port-au-Prince

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40, Rue Pacot, Port-au-Prince, HT Haiti
Kontakter telefon: +509 37 31 0115
Latitude: 18.5286935, Longitude: -72.3282606
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Kommentar 5

  • Doll Blamcet

    Doll Blamcet


    Awww It was very nice i really like it

  • Freddy Diaz

    Freddy Diaz


    The attention is good and very polite. But installation are normal, but better than the others around so far

  • Wesly Gagerie

    Wesly Gagerie


    Bring your own supplies, including drinks and foods. The place has no management, it is ran by front desk agents who probably don't make much to care. Most of them come across as confrontational, indifferent and incompetent. They argue loudly with each other. There are better place to be recommended than Pacot Breeze. The positive are they let you check in early and check out late. They leave you alone. The food is expensive but tasty.

  • Sebastien Amodeo

    Sebastien Amodeo


    Horrible place. Leaky roof, no hot water, very unstable electrical power. Pool and restaurant were not open. Tiny room, extremely uncomfortable bed. Clueless staff. There's a reason it's so cheap!

  • Doles P.

    Doles P.


    From the moment I stepped in I knew I was in for a long experience. The security guard answered the bell as if ready to brandish his weapon. At the counter, it appeared they weren't ready. When the guy, who's touching the mouse as if it is infected, called another girl...supposedly a cleaning request room 39, I knew this was not going to go well. Walking up the stairs where I bumped my head a few times, and I'm very short...was the start of my nightmare. The room, the bathroom and furnitures all look like a setting to the Adams Family movie set or something. I think it's criminal that the rating system will not allow negative stars. There should at least be a less than one star option.

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