Kinam Hotel i Port-au-Prince

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Place Saint Pierre, Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Kontakter telefon: +509 28 15 8000
Latitude: 18.509762, Longitude: -72.2879131
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Kommentar 5

  • bernhard-Henry Poitevien

    bernhard-Henry Poitevien


    Definitely recommending this hotel in the heart of Petion-Ville, near everything!

  • Deidra Andrews

    Deidra Andrews


    No rags to bathe with. Don't ever order the eggs, they are running no matter how you have them cook it. Don't order room service, they bring your food up uncovered. Had to keep getting new keys because it stop working. Room service lady washed the cups that were in the room in the bathroom sink. No fridge in the room for the 1st day. They do not give you back change, they round it to the nearest US dollar. It's weird going to the swimming pool right by the eating area with everyone eating and looking at you. Couldn't go for a walk, too dangerous. Not a good tourist hotel. BUT the room and bathroom was spacious and the hotel itself was pretty.

  • Andre Bakker

    Andre Bakker


    Good hotel. Clean beds. The breakfast is served at the pool. I enjoyed my stay there.

  • Michal



    Really good food, nice staff and also the outside sitting. However internet is bad especially during the day when everybody is surfing etc (takes 5 -8 times to load a page). Extremely noisy air condition in the room (you cant sleep with the A/C turned on)

  • Farrah Bourdeau

    Farrah Bourdeau


    Loved it! The staff was accommodating and professional. The location is centralized, and the room was great. Only 1 issue, my AC froze over so the room became a little warm. I didn't alert the staff as it was on my last day, so I won't hold that against them.

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