Hotel NH Haiti El Rancho i Pétion Ville

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5, José Marti, Pétion Ville 6140, Haiti
Kontakter telefon: +509 28 15 1000
Latitude: 18.521047, Longitude: -72.291624
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Kommentar 5

  • kriss B

    kriss B


    Nice hôtel. They offer you a welcome drink when you arrive ... Food and buffets are amazing. The room are spacious. Amenities gift are ok they offer you water, tea in your room

  • Come2 Haiti

    Come2 Haiti


    Best Breakfast Buffet in Port-au-Prince!!! The food is fresh especially the fruits. The breakfast buffet has fresh fruit juices, pastries, cold cuts for sandwiches, quality cheeses, cut fruits, a variety of yogurts... Aside from eating in the breakfast hall, you can go out to the patio to enjoy your meal.

  • Valerie Pierre-Louis

    Valerie Pierre-Louis


    I spent two weeks at the hotel with my mother for vacation. I was extremely satisfied. The waiters were very nice and the environment was definitely a place of relaxation. The buffet was amazing. Even if it's raining, the party continued...coming back again!

  • Thomas Niermann

    Thomas Niermann


    Europäischen NH Hotel Standarte. Danke

  • Reginald Blaise

    Reginald Blaise


    View was fantastic and the room was tastefully decorated and very comfortable. Couch and furniture was cushy and welcoming, enabling you to relax and enjoy the panoramic view, unlike the rock hard ones at the Venetian suites. Bed was great and bathroom was nicely appointed with extras like robes and lighted sit down makeup area. The maid service and all staff were 5 star. . .

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