Budget Rent a car i Port-au-Prince

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Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Kontakter telefon: +509
Latitude: 18.5762934, Longitude: -72.2775695
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Kommentar 5

  • Seong Shin

    Seong Shin


    I have covered Budget rent car's problem by my small body. I got body injury and shocked because Budget rent car's brake didn't work at all on Apr-04, 2018. At that time, about 12PM, I was driving on downhill. There were many cars and a lot of people on the street. I should hit a wood on the street to stop it because the car was getting faster on the downhill and to avoid hit a front of my car immediately. When I hit it strongly, I could not move from my driver's seat more than ten minutes because the air bag didn't work either. At that time, I could see three police officers and many people watched me out of the car. The police officers helped me to go to hospital after got my driver's license from the accident place, and I reported the accident to the police department immediately. I visited the Budget office, where I had rented the car located in the airport in city of Port au Prince, Haiti, and made a complaint about the rent a car's brake did not work at all suddenly as same day, on Apr-04, 2018. The reception, he was a same person who I had rented it in the morning, asked me fill out my complain in Budget's paper for he would show it to his boss, so I made it. I also made a same complaint to the same Budget rent a car office via email twice a few days later since they didn't responding at all to me. However, this Budget doesn't do anything about the problem and my injury even though no responding to me until today, Apr-21, 2018. The Budget rather charged $600 from my credit card on Apr-09, 2018. This Budget has no responsibility and even human being to me, as a customer. I still have heavy pain until today, Apr-21, 2018. I'm afraid to do cough for it's hurt my chest strongly and can't breathing for a few second. I'm a good driver more than ten years in California, USA. I have owned two cars, Cadillac CTS Cough and Toyota Tundra long bed pick-up truck. After Apr-04, 2018, I doubt and worry about my cars' brake working or not often even though they are fine. I believe, it's a kind of traumas because the Budget rent a car's brake didn't work at all suddenly when I was driving on the downhill in city of Petion-Ville, Haiti on Apr-04, 2018. PS: I'm sorry, my English is not enough.

  • Georges Edrine J.

    Georges Edrine J.


    C'est une agence de location de véhicules, il en existe plusieurs, surtout dans cette zone qui n'est pas trop éloigné de l'aéroport

  • Thelemaque Carl

    Thelemaque Carl


    This is the worst company to rent a car in Haiti, if the car broke down they will come to tow the car and they will not give you an other one... In a bad country, a company is acting like that it's a threat to customers, How the headquarter accepted to for someone to represent them in a country...there's no service

  • christy caldwell

    christy caldwell


    I gave it 1 star because I had to in order to write this review! All I can say is bait and switch is alive and well at Budget. They guarantee you one price and when you get there with your conformation number all of a sudden ooooppppps. They don't have what they promised! But for MORE money 💰 they can get you "something" else.....don't fall for it!!!!!!! This is not the first time so don't think I'm being too hard. I try to always give people and places a second and sometimes a third chance but Americans BEWARE!!!!!! Have been told by others it's when your credit card is approved for the $1500.00 deposit that they "oh no we don't have your car" comes into play!!!!

  • Delivrance Pour Tous

    Delivrance Pour Tous


    This place is a complete bs, they are running a scam. You should never make a reservation online, because they would do their best to not give you the car you reserve so you can pay more for another car. There is no one to keep the accountable for that. Even 1 star was hard for me to give.

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